British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES)

, par Mohammad Bakri

The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (popularly known as BRISMES) was established in 1973 to encourage and promote the study of the Middle East in the United Kingdom.

It brings together teachers, researchers, students, diplomats, journalists and others who deal professionally with the Middle East. Membership is open to all the above, regardless of nationality - indeed regardless of where in the world you are based.

At the national level, the Society pursues a concerted strategy by impressing on national, governmental and university bodies the importance of safeguarding and expanding Middle Eastern studies. In the UK’s Research Assessment Exercise, BRISMES fulfils a consultative role to the organising higher education funding bodies.

Our international links make the Society the foremost channel through which scholars outside Britain may create co-opeerative links with UK-based researchers. Links between BRISMES and Middle East studies associations elsewhere in the world are constantly being expanded (as is our international membership). BRISMES has traditionally played a prominent role in the European Association for Middle Eastern Studies (EURAMES). We also have links with The Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA). In 2007 we became one of the Societies to receive funding from the British Academy.

The well-established British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies - an internationally refereed publication with varied scholarly articles and a large book-review section - is commercially published (three times a year) by Taylor and Francis for BRISMES. If you are a member, you get it free - along with the Newsletter, which is full of information about what is happening in the field (conferences, the latest publications, research, scholarships, jobs, etc).


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